Monday, January 20, 2014

So I have been looking and teaching myself about some programs/software (aka. podcast) and I have decided that my class should become familiar with prezi.  If you notice I have posted a blog (if you scroll down) on prezi.  For history class we are going to create a prezi on the following task. The year is 1932 and Franklin D. Roosevelt has just been elected President.  FDR has come to you and some of your colleagues asking a huge favor.  "I promised the American people a New Deal as a reaction to the depression, but I have a problem.  Before I can make plans to fix the depression I have to know what caused the depression and frankly I have no idea!  Can you help me out?  I need to give the American people something fast.  I need you to tell me what caused the depression."  So there it is: you need to report back to the President of the United States on the causes of the Great Depression.

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