Thursday, January 16, 2014

Okay, so I am trying to teach myself how to use audacity which is a simple program in which one can record their voice or of course add music and so forth.  But as far as I am concerned-it's a program in which I can easily create a podcast which I really had no clue about until the last couple of days.  So this post is to see if I can import a podcast that I made.  The podcast is a review for my Roaring Twenties Unit test.  In class I am making my students create podcasts on a topic in the Roaring Twenties but if I don't know how to do one then how can I help my students if they have trouble.  That never happens though with technology.  They usually have to help me.  So below is what I hope will be a Roaring 20's podcast review for the unit test.  And I might post some students podcasts on here to if there are any worthy podcasts created.  So here goes.

Roaring Twenties Unit Test Review Podcast

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