Wednesday, January 6, 2016

NRA, White Privilege and Mass Shootings

So I have been doing a lot of reading and studying lately involving the history of school shootings.  Along the way  I have read several articles dealing with the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the gender construct of its members.  Having taught about "white privilege" in Sociology I believe experts when they say there is a direct correlation between school shootings, the shift of focus of the NRA and white privilege.  In fact I could argue that the NRA will fall in the next 20-30 years and along with it so will gun rights as we know them.  Let's analyze some information and see if we can make sense of this.

In history research has shown that most school shooters are males (97%) and 79% are white.  The last three decades 90% of  high school and elementary school shootings were the result of white, usually upper-middle class, individuals.   Research has shown that when colored individuals are involved with school shootings, they usually intend to hurt the victim that they believed has wronged them.  When white individuals are involved, they intend to inflict what sociologists call "mass murder-suicide."  Essentially they try to injure or kill as many as possible before killing themselves.  It may be because a girl wronged them or a teacher wronged them, or maybe a family member or friend.  But they intend to do as much damage as possible, even if it means doing it to other people not even associated with their source of anger.  This article explains it more clearly.

Now that you have a basic understanding of the psyche of school shooters, let's see if we can tie White Privilege into this.  If you go to Wikipedia you find white privilege defined as "a term for societal privileges that benefit white people in Western countries beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstance."  White privilege is one of those things white people don't often recognize or label as a myth but when a person considers it they find it is real.

And here is a must read article that helps you understand it from another point of view.

This website actually offers some perks/advantages that come along with being white and maybe you will relate to some of these also.

And here is a video from SNL that sheds a little different light onto the subject.
So what does school shootings and white privilege have to do with the NRA and politics?
The NRA was originally founded to support hunters and outdoor enthusiasts.  It was a club where you could join and support the future of hunting and recreational shooting.   The NRA is one of the most powerful groups in America.  The lobbyists are some of the most powerful and influential when it comes to politics and it can turn the tide in presidential elections.  Many candidates have had to end their political races early when they don't have the backing of the NRA.  This article highlights the future of the NRA.  It shows how the change of demographics in the future will shape the future of the Constitution and the second amendment.  It also outlines the importance of a gradual shift from minority to majority and the impact it will have on gun laws and the future of politics.

You can see a short clip of Hillary and Bernie Sanders exchange over gun control in a recent debate by going to

Another noteworthy article that can stir some thinking skills is "White Privilege and the 2nd amendment."

And here is a good blog I found that has charts and video.  It mainly talks about how guns have been responsible for more deaths in the United States than all of the wars combined.

Another website I found that is a little off topic but has an interesting interactive map showing the increase of executions in the last three decades.    I find it interesting that we live in a country where the use of the death penalty and executions have increased so much but yet we are probably faced with a future where gun control will be enforced and there will be more limitations placed on gun owners.  It seems like if you live in a society aimed at curbing violence through gun control, why is there such a endorsement for the increased use of the death penalty and executions?

Your assignment is three fold.  First I would like you to read the articles above and look at the interactive map, links and graph.

My essay topic is:  Because white people will someday be the minority in the United States, we can expect white privilege to decline, increased gun control laws, and powerful groups like the NRA to lose their influence in the political theatre.  Comment-

I want you to analyze all three topics above (White Privilege/NRA/Gun Control) and tie it all together and try to link it to the future of not just society and culture but especially Government and the influence of political groups. 

I think 1000 words will suffice.

A good blog that scores well will include the following:

What is white privilege:  Myth or Reality.   Can you connect it to the essay topic?
Who are mass shooters likely to be.  Why?  How does it connect to the essay topic?
What do powerful groups like the NRA do?  What are their political influences?  What is the future?
How do all of the above influence gun control laws?  How about the future of politics?  Of us as white people?  Of us when we become the minority.

Lastly I want to you to be able to clearly convince me you have a basic understanding of all the topics and can tie them all together to form a clear belief of what you think the future holds because of the cause/reaction of all these things.

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