Monday, September 15, 2014

Bowling for Columbine


So we watched a documentary called "Bowling for Columbine."  In short, a documentary is a expression of opinion usually led by the direct focus of the film's producer.  The documentary was produced by Michael Moore.  Michael Moore has produced many award winning documentaries and is notorious for his left-wing political ideology and views.  I own a few of his documentaries including Fahrenheit 911, Sicko, and Bowling for Columbine to name a couple.  He usually makes a solid case for his opinion and he is largely entertaining.  However, his views do get a little extreme sometimes and part of  that is because he's trying to persuade an audience.  Like him or hate him, he does do an effective job at bringing recognition to issues that need to be addressed by the public and government.  So although highly opinionated, there is value to his work.

So Moore's documentary is in direct response to the massacre of thirteen students at Columbine High School in 1999.  His goal is to question the gun laws in certain states, particularly Michigan (where he was born) and Denver (where the massacre took place).

So my question after watching this several times is "How do gun rights, the 2nd amendment of the Constitution, and media play into our "gun-toting society?"  Do guns kill people or do people kill people?  What, if anything can be done to make society (especially schools) safer and what does the future hold for America?  What does the future hold for gun laws? 

A good blog will answer all the questions above.  A good blog will analyze the 2nd amendment of the Constitution.  A good blog will reference Obama's executive orders on gun control.  Lastly a good blog will analyze how the media plays a role in our perception of guns and violence and the future of gun laws in the United States.  Research will need to be done and everything addressed and answered.  Include links to your websites ( I can show you how in class) for information not generally known.  This is worth 50 points.  The blog needs to be over 400 words worth 40 points and you will need to comment on 3 of the other classes (jrs-srs, srs-jrs) blogs worth 3 points each.  Your comments must be at least 3 sentences long and you will give me the names of the people you read and commented on.

Link to a good article on Obamas 23 executive orders/article

2nd amendment meaning

Amendment II

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

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